BYMA yesterday held its seventh Annual Shareholder´s Meeting.
During the assembly, the most relevant items covered were the presentation of BYMA management results, of the financial statements ended as of December 31, 2023, and the approval of two dividends to be paid in cash (one in US-dollars and the other one in ARS) as well as a capital increase from accumulated results which includes the distribution of shares; the election of Board Members and Surveillance Bodies authorities and the presentation of BYMA main initiatives during this period, which will set the course for the current fiscal year.
“The year 2023 ended with outstanding results in economic and financial terms which turn both BYMA and the Argentine Capital Market evolution tangible. Innovation and the incorporation of cutting-edge technology together with sustainability and financial education were our guiding principles. Among our most outstanding initiatives, we gave all types and classes of investors, easy access to trading through innovative tools and connectivity improvements made which offered easy and efficient access to trading opportunities, therefore increasing the trading volume. We have also implemented a new Securities Custody System developed with Nasdaq Technologies, one of the world’s leading providers. We introduced BYMAEDUCA, the free online financial training program for basic levels, which had more than 30,000 participants. Our ultimate goal is to make the Capital Market increasingly accessible so that all Argentines can turn their savings into investments,” said BYMA Chairman, Ernesto Allaria.
And he added that: “We have just finished a year that marked a turning point for 2024. The year 2023 opened new and multiple development opportunities that BYMA will continue to capitalize on with hard work, commitment and new projects”.
BYMA Shareholder’s Meeting approved the payment of two dividends, one amounting to USD 34,312,500 and the other amounting to ARS 6,800 million in cash to be distributed among the shareholders as of April 17th.
Shareholders consideration of increasing the capital stock was approved for an amount of ARS 3,050,000,000 (three thousand fifty million Pesos), through the capitalization of the Capital Adjustment account, totalizing a Capital Stock of ARS 3,812,500,000 (three thousand eight hundred twelve million five hundred thousand Pesos) including the issuance of shares of stock of 1 vote each and a face value of ARS 1 per share, corresponding to 4 new shares of stock per share held, which will be duly credited to Shareholders once the CNV approval is obtained.
Board of Directors
Chairman: Ernesto Allaria
Vice-Chairman: Marcelo A. Menéndez
Regular Directors
- Alexander Zawadzki
- Gabriel Martino*
- Luis E. Álvarez
- Roberto D´Avola*
- Eduardo J. Tapia
- Andrés Edelstein*
- Claudio Zuchovicki
- Ricardo Torres
- María Angélica Grisolia
- Alberto Ubertone
Alternate Directors
- Mateo Brito
- Gonzalo de la Serna
- Sebastián Arena
- Mariano Fiorito*
- Tomás Vassolo
- María Julia Díaz Ardaya*
- Fernando Terrile
- Paula Bujía*
- Juan Ignacio Abuchdid
- Alejandra Naughton
- Silvia Abeledo
- Guillermo Gamble.
(*) Independent Director appointed by Shareholder´s Meeting.
Surveillance Committee
Regular members
- Fernando A. Díaz (President)
- Matías Olivera Vila
- Guillermo M. Lipera
Alternate Members
- Eduardo Di Costanzo
- María José Van Morlegan
- Carlos Vyhñak

BYMA is a Technology company providing for Trading, Settlement and Securities Cusotdy platforms. As a Securities Exchange, it offers a wide variety of products to a wide variety of market participants: investors, trading desks, mutual funds, insurance companies, etc.
As a result of the developments made and the innovative steps taken by BYMA in the Capital Market throughout 2023, the following results were achieved:
The volume of trades of all the products increased by 70% during 2023, reaching a total traded amount of USD 637,358 million.
- The highest growth was in Equity: 77%. Domestic Stocks increased by 171% and CEDEARs increased by 41%.
- Fixed Income grew by 67%
- On-Exchange Repos grew by 66%
- Options grew by 114%
– During 2023 more people opted to invest their savings in instruments traded in the Capital Market. The total number of CSD Participant’s accounts in Caja de Valores by the end of 2023 was 7,024,578. Among them, CSD Participant’s accounts with active trades in BYMA totaled 3,647,912, increasing by 401%, compared to 2022.
It is worth mentioning that, within that aggregate, 3,120,100 new CSD Participant’s accounts were active, increasing by 866% compared to 2022.
The geographic distribution of the new accounts are also worth mentioning: 18% belong to the Capital City; 36% belong to Buenos Aires Province; and 45% belong to the other country’s provinces –mainly Córdoba, Santa Fe and Mendoza. This shows that the Argentine Capital Market continues to evolve in terms of accessibility and federalism.
Debt Issuers during 2023 amounted to 128 companies, increasing by 21% compared to 2022. The total number of debt issuances (or placements) during 2023 was 393, increasing by 11%, compared to 2022.
– A peak of issuances with Social and Environmental impact was recorded. The Social, Environmental and Sustainability Bonds Trading Panel (ESG Bonds) ended the year with 63 bonds listed, increasing by 66%, compared to 2022. The amount of ESG debt has already exceeded USD 1,500 million. This means that there is an increasing trend of issuers to be financed through ESG debt.
– Technology and innovation enable access to investment opportunities. In 2023, Caja de Valores S.A., the Argentine Central Securities Depository (CSD) that is part of BYMA Group, implemented a new Securities Custody System developed under Nasdaq leading CSDs technology, one of the largest automated and electronic stock exchanges in the United States. The platform boosts Caja de Valores resilience, capacity and speed, which can process more than 1,000 transfers per second, 300 times faster than the previous system.
– SMEs continued to be financed through the Capital Market by means of instruments such as Digital Promissory Notes, Echeqs and Micro-SMEs Electronic Invoices.
During 2023, 239,402 SME securities were deposited in custody, increasing by 5% compared to 2022. At year-end, there were 57,909 SME instruments in custody. Of the latter figure, 77.7% were E-checks, 19.5% were Electronic Promissory Notes, 0.6% was Checks and 2.2% were Micro-SMEs Electronic Invoices.
– More people were trained in finance and investments with BYMAEDUCA, BYMA’s financial education program. The number of participants in the training courses grew based on the increasing interest on Capital Market topics. After some experience gathered with free training programs during 2022 –which had more than 1,100 participants– in 2023 a total of 30,760 participants took part in 14 courses. This way, the Capital Market achieved higher visibility among the options people may consider when it comes to boosting their economy.
BYMA Annual Report 2023 is available in this link.
Visit the Annual Report including all the information mentioned above.
Based on BYMA achievements during 2023 –which serves as a great starting point– BYMA Group’s focus for the current year includes:
- Technology upgrades for the financial ecosystem.
- Open innovation through new investment opportunities to be offered by our Corporate Venture Capital Fund: BYX Ventures.
- Launching new sustainability products.
- Constant improvement of trading procedures and conditions for all market participants.
- Financial Education to make the Capital Market increasingly accessible to all Argentines.
- Identification and creation of new benchmarks built on the original market data source: BYMA.
In 2024, BYMA will continue to turn investment into growth and development for the Argentine society.