In accordance with the provisions of the BYMA 2024 General Shareholders’ Meeting held on April 10, the payment notice for the capitalization of the Capital Adjustment account corresponding to the year ended December 31, 2023 will be effective as of May 14, 2024.
As of 05/14, the corresponding credit will be carried out in the account of each of the shareholders. As a consequence of the share dividend (Split) approved at the aforementioned Assembly, BYMA’s Share Capital is $3,812,500,000, represented by 3,812,500,000 book-entry shares of $1 par value each. Each share confers the right to one vote. The capital can be increased in accordance with current legal provisions.
The record date will be Monday, May 13.
Likewise, we inform that the negotiation with the corresponding right is carried out in accordance with the following schedule: