BYMA promotes Investment on Sustainable Infrastructure

BYMA news


BYMA has organized a Panel Discussion on Sustainable Infrastructure Investment in Argentina, together with BID, BID INVEST, MERCER and FUNDACIÓN VIDA SILVESTRE.

Firmly rooted in its commitment to Financial Sustainability, BYMA has organized a PANEL DISCUSSION ON SUSTAINABLE INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT IN ARGENTINA, together with BID, BID INVEST, MERCER and FUNDACIÓN VIDA SILVESTRE.

The Panel Discussion consists of inviting the most relevant actors of the private and public sector in order to support the infrastructure agenda and the creation of a portfolio of investment projects in the country. In this sense, the PANEL DISCUSSION´s aim is to identify and evaluate related challenges and opportunities in Argentina in this aspect.

The session included topics such as infrastructure projects and banking, Best Practices in APPs, green financing and the role of creditors, financial sustainability and viability, green bonds and a roadmap for Argentina.

BYMA has participated as a speaker in the Panel of Sustainable Capital Markets and presented the Sustainability Index, which is being developed by BYMA, together with BID and with Thomson Reuters´ cooperation, and which will be launched in 2018.

The Sustainability Index, which is non-commercial, will measure the efforts made and the actions taken by Issuers in regard to Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance issues, focused on the achievement of Sustainable Development Objectives.

By developing this new Index, leading Issuers focused on Sustainability aspects will be identified, therefore getting closer and gradually aligning ourselves to Stock Exchanges around the world.

BYMA will support Issuers by drafting Sustainability Reporting Guidelines based on the Sustainable Stock Exchange criteria, which is the United Nation´s Sustainable Stock Exchanges Initiative.

Consequently, enhanced market visibility and better access to new types of financing will be achieved, for example, through Green Bonds or Social Impact Bonds.

Sustainability Index presentation offered by BYMA and BID