BYMA starts trading USD/ARS Futures and this new investment alternative benefits agents, brokers and customers, who will be able to trade USD/ARS Futures within an integrated settlement process, minimizing operational risks and financial costs while enhancing efficiency. This is a big step forward for BYMA in the futures market.
On June 3, BYMA starts trading USD/ARS Futures, a new investment alternative that will be included within a single settlement process in the main Argentine Exchange. This way, BYMA is proud to be meeting its Member-Broker’s needs, by offering them the possibility of minimizing operational risks, enhancing efficiency and reducing financial costs, since all the trading steps will be performed within the same Exchange.
USD/ARS Futures will be settled within the current BYMA Settlement Process on a daily basis, that is to say, USD/ARS Futures will be settled at the same time as other financial instruments already being settled at BYMA, including bonds, stocks, other types of futures, options, trading lots, repos and mutual funds, among others.
This important step lets BYMA consolidate its futures market, which was brought into life in 2018 jointly with B3, upon launching S&P MERVAL Index Futures. Following this trend, USD/ARS Futures will be traded in PUMA Trading System, a cutting edge IT platform aligned with international standards, provided by Brazil´s Stock Exchange.
USD/ARS Futures are exchange-traded contracts. Each contract size will be USD 1,000 (one thousand U.S. Dollars) and the minimum trading size is one contract. Futures maturity will be on the last business day of each month.
To this respect, BYMA Chairman, Ernesto Allaria said: “This new launching let us deepen our derivatives market and also meet investors´ needs of having access to all their trades in the same place. We are absolutely committed to our aim of integrating processes with the purpose of reducing costs, enhancing efficiency and at the same time increasing trading volume, while turning the market widely accessible to the highest number of market participants, including international market players.” He also added: “Our FX Futures contracts are supported by BYMA´s asset soundness.”
BYMA next step is to authorize, simultaneously to this launching, the Market Makers program for this new product, so as to provide higher liquidity.
Follow this link to read further characteristics of BYMA USD/ARS Futures (Spanish).